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The Job Card

Understanding the Job Card

Marvin Rebong avatar
Written by Marvin Rebong
Updated this week


The Job Card contains everything you need to manage your jobs in Fergus from start to finish. 

This article will give you a rundown on:

  1. The Job Card Header

  2. The Job Card Overview

  3. The Job Card Tools

  4. The Job Card Costing

  5. The Job Card Phases

When to use it

Understanding the Job Card is essential for your business to fully benefit from Fergus. By understanding the Job Card you will be able to ensure that every job goes smoothly.

How to use it

1. The Job Card Header

The Job Card header contains many elements:

  • Job Code: the job code assigned to the job 

  • Job Title: the name of the job, you can edit the title by clicking on it

  • The Status: status of the job 

  • Variations menu: Click the button "Variations" to create a variation for this Job

  • Customer name button: click to see their details; from here you can send an email, SMS, see their address on a map and edit their contact details

  • Job Type menu: You can change the Job Type at the top right to a Charge Up, Quote, or Estimate.

  • Additional options menu: The ⋮ menu provides more options for your job such as  Make Recurring, Send Job Details, Add Task, Archive this Job, Put on Hold.

  • Notes banner: Click the notes banner at the bottom of the header. Here you can add or view notes for this job.

2. The Job Card Overview

The Overview section of the Job Card contains three main sections: Job Summary, Financial Summary, and Notes & History.

Job Summary

The Job Summary tells you what the job is and who it is for. The Job Details section will show you the Job Description, Customer Order Number, Budget, Payment Terms, Group Tracking and Pricing Tier.

Underneath the job details section you can see the Job Phases for the job and create a job phase by clicking the "Create Job Phase" button. Click "Add a Variation" button to add a variation to this job.

The final section of Job Summary is setting the SMS reminders. For Charge Up jobs these SMS reminders are for Scheduled Events.

For Quote/Estimate jobs there is an added SMS reminder.

Financial Summary

The Financial Summary section is a powerful tool for your business to utilise as you can see the performance of your job while highlighting areas of concern that need your attention. You can also download a CSV of this Financial Summary. 

Cost Report

The cost report lists all materials and labour entered on the job and their status, you can also see the date the cost was entered and whether it's been invoiced.

Notes & History

Check Notes & History to see what's happened on the job. This includes when labour and materials were entered and what emails/SMS has been sent. You can manually add a log entry, search the notes, and change the time range of the notes and history.

Files, Photos & Videos (Professional plan feature)

Store all files related to the job in one place, upload files photos & videos, and view photos and videos taken on the Fergus mobile app.

3. The Job Card Tools

The Tools section of the Job Card contains the sections: Hazards, Invoicing, Tasks, Files & Photos, Sign Off, and Checklists.

Hazards (Professional plan feature)

This section allows you to log and mitigate health and safety hazards from the Hazards page. You can mark the job as hazard-free or add a new Hazard.


Create invoices in this section and if you don't use an accounting package, assign payments here. You can learn more about creating different invoices from this article. Here you can also view, print, and email a Summary of Activity.

Tasks (Professional plan feature)

Create tasks for your team and assign tasks to anyone. Check them off once they're done and show completed tasks.

Certificates (Add-On Feature)

Add and manage all certificates for a job under 'Certificates'. Click here to view the Certificates article.

Sign-Off (Add-On Feature)

You can view every Sign-Off form that has been created in the job.  You can only create sign-off forms on the mobile app.


Here you can add a checklist to your job, assign it, and edit it. Click here to learn more about checklists.


You can create and attach Form instances to your Jobs and their Phases. Click here to learn more about Forms.

4. The Job Card Costing

The Job Card Costing section has Reconciliation and Purchase Orders.


This area helps you match 'Received Invoices' with 'Invoices to come' that have been entered against a job so they are accounted for. Click here for the Reconciliation article.

Purchase Orders (Professional plan feature)

Create and manage your job's purchase orders and email your supplier directly from here. Click here for the Purchase Order article.

5. The Job Card Phases

Job Phases are used to record costs against a Job. Every job you put through Fergus will have at least one job phase It is divided into 5 different tabs: Scheduling, Labour, Supplier Documents, Purchase Orders, and Stock on Hand/Other


You can assign a person or group to a job by clicking on the "Assign" button. It displays a dropdown menu where you can scroll and select a group or person to assign.

You can also schedule your team using the calendar. Click the "Schedule" Button and select who to assign this job to and when.

After you have assigned that person to the job you can click on the ⋮ menu to view the calendar or delete the event. You can also mark labour as complete.


In the labour tab you can add time entries for an employee. Choose an employee by clicking on the name dropdown, change the charge out rate, day/time, and description. You can also add a reason for uncharged time and the quantity of that time. When you're done click the "Add time entry" button.

When you click "Add time entry" Fergus will ask you if the work is complete or if you need to return.

Supplier Documents

In supplier documents you can add new purchases and new credit to this site. You can add an Invoice to come or add a received invoice. For add new credit you can add credit to come or add received credit.

Purchase Orders

In this tab, click "Add New Purchase Order" this takes you to a Purchase Order builder where you fill in the details for the supplier and items to order. 

Click "Download" to download the Purchase Order as a PDF or CSV or you can email the purchase order.

Stock on Hand/Other

Here is where you enter any items used that were already on hand, such as items in your van or retrieved from stock. These items can come from your custom price book, items from other suppliers, or a favourite. 


Related Articles

Deleting Jobs and their Phases
Creating Variations

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