When to use it:
Use this integration to import Groundplan projects into Fergus, enabling quick and accurate quote creation while eliminating manual data entry.
How to use it:
Setting up Groundplan Integration
To set up the integration between Groundplan and Fergus, follow these steps:
Log in to your Groundplan account:
Visit Groundplan Login and sign in with your credentials.
Navigate to Setup:
Once logged in, click on My Account at the top right of the screen.
From the dropdown menu, select Setup.
Go to Integrations:
On the Setup page on the left-hand side menu, look for Integrations and click on it.
Click on the Configure button to begin the Fergus setup process.
4. Sign in to Fergus:
A prompt will appear asking you to log in to your Fergus account.
Sign in using your Fergus credentials to complete the integration.
Note: Users who have 2FA enabled through an authenticator app will encounter the following prompt when setting up the Fergus integration in Groundplan. To continue with the login process, please retrieve the 2FA code generated by your authenticator app.
Once completed, Groundplan and Fergus will be connected, allowing you to sync data between the two platforms.
Syncing Groundplan with Fergus:
Create a Quote Job Card in Fergus:
After completing the integration, you will need to create a Quote Job Card in Fergus.
This is where the Groundplan project will be pushed to.
For detailed guidance on creating a job, refer to Fergus's help article: "Creating a Job from the Website"
Creating a Groundplan Project:
If you're unsure how to create a project in Groundplan, check the Groundplan help article: "Creating a Project."
Add Items from Fergus Favourite (OPTIONAL)
You can also add items from your Fergus Favourites by clicking the +Count button in your project. Then, select Fergus Favourite and search for the desired item. Once you’ve chosen the Favourite item, click the Create button to finalize.
Finalizing Your Groundplan Project and Pushing to Fergus:
Select the Fergus Tab:
Push to Job:
Click the green Push to Job button.
Search for Fergus Job Number:
Fill in Quote Details:
Submit the Quote:
Click the Submit button to finalize the process. Click on the Quote version number to be redirected to that version in your Fergus account.
Publish and Send:
Once the Groundplan project has been imported into your Fergus Quote, you can publish it and send it to your customer as usual.
Note: The project you push to Fergus will create a new version and will not be added to Quote Version #1, which was created initially when the Quote job card was set up in Fergus.
Thanks for taking the time to read our article, if you have any questions please get in touch via support@fergus.com