Scheduling a quote or estimate visit in Fergus helps you assess the job on-site and use your notes to create an accurate quote.
Begin by creating a draft quote.
Scheduling the Visit
Before writing up the quote, you can schedule a visit by clicking "Schedule" at the top of the draft.
Assign a team member to the visit.
Click "Schedule Quote" to open the calendar.
Book the event as you would any other appointment.
Conducting the Quote Visit
When it’s time for the visit, the assigned user can:
Open Fergus Go.
Navigate to the job.
Proceed as usual.
Since this is a quote visit (not an active job phase), time logged will be recorded as uncharged time, allowing cost tracking without billing the customer.
During the visit, you can:
✅ Complete forms
✅ Add photos, videos, and notes
✅ Even create a quote on the go!
To add notes specifically for the quote, click on Quotes and add them there.
For general job-related notes, use Notes in the main tool list.
Finalising the Quote
Once the visit is complete, return to your desktop to finalise the quote:
Open the draft quote.
Start building it out using the information gathered from Fergus Go—including photos, videos, and notes.