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Quoting and Estimating

How to create and build quotes and estimates

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Written by Max
Updated over 2 months ago


Fergus provides your business the ability to customise your quotes and estimates to fit into your business. It has plenty of tools to make sure that you and your customer can see what the job requires. 

In this article we'll cover:

  1. How to create Quotes and Estimates

  2. How to build Quotes and Estimates

When to use it

By taking the time to create and build these quotes and estimates it sets the expectations of the job for both parties making sure that everyone is on the same page.

How to use it

1. How to create Quotes and Estimate

When you create a new job under the job details you are able to select the job type as a Quote/Estimate. You will also need to fill in all required fields to create this job. When you are happy with all the details click "Create Job".

2. How to build Quotes and Estimates

When the job is made you will be sent to the job card and be presented with the quote/estimate section under tools which is divided into three different sections: Quote/Estimate Versions, Scheduling, and Purchase Orders.

Quote/Estimate Versions

In quote/estimate versions you can see the initial quote/estimate listed as a draft. 

You can make edits to the draft version using multiple tools in the toolbar. Here is an overview of the toolbar from left to right:

  • Version drop-down menu: allows you to see all versions of the quote/estimate made and allows you to create new versions

  • Percent icon: apply markups and discounts

  • Pencil icon: change the formatting options

  • Cog icon: make bulk actions after selecting at least one item 

  • Calendar icon: change the quote date

  • Validity Period: change the validity period 

  • Red flag icon: add a query note

  • Email icon: make an email draft

  • Speech bubbles icon: send an SMS

  • Printer icon: choose to print or print and publish

  • Download icon: download draft of the quote

  • Bin icon: void quote

  • Preview icon: preview mode for quote/estimate

  • Edit icon: edit mode for quote/estimate

The next section of the quote/estimate is the letterhead where you make changes to the customer contact and address details. 

This section is the core part of the quote/estimate where you create sections and add line items. You can easily make sections by adding a group of items through favourites. Below is an example of a section with added line items.


Scheduling allows you to schedule the quote/estimate by assigning a group/person or assigning the job to someone through the calendar.

To assign a group or person to the job click the "Assign Person/Group" button and it will present you with a dropdown menu where you can select the employee/group it needs to be assigned to.

Click "Schedule Quote" to schedule this quote/estimate through the calendar while also assigning it to an employee.

Purchase Orders

In this tab, you can add purchase orders by clicking "Add New Purchase Order".

From here you have a few options. You can create a purchase order by importing certain sections/items from the quote.

Another option is to create a purchase order by adding specific line items or favourites.

When you are finished with building your quote/estimate click "Publish" to publish it and print it out or email it to the customer.  

This will update the status of the quote/estimate to "Published". If you need to make an edit of this quote/estimate you would need to create a new version. 


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