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Release Notes 2016
Release Notes 2016

A log of updates in Fergus made in 2016

Max avatar
Written by Max
Updated over a week ago

Released on 21 Dec 2016

Performance Improvements and new opt-in Calendar

  • Try out the new version of our calendar and let us know what you think!

  • Improved the loading time of static files which should improve performance and speed of running Fergus

  • Fixed Add as Favourite button sometimes not working on customer invoices

Released on 10 Dec 2016

Quoting / Invoicing

  • Fixed combined line items sometimes disappearing after being moved into another section

  • Improved formatting of quote title text


  • Fixed tasks sometimes notifying users that they were due far too early

  • Overdue task notifications now include the task description

Job Card

  • Added option to choose the same postal and physical address in Customer import screen

  • Job assigned notification now shows customer name & address rather than company's name

  • Added cancel confirmation to email editor

  • Fixed Send Email button not updating correctly after picking a To email address

  • Fixed View PDF button on purchase orders sometimes not responding to clicks

  • Fixed issue where trying to delete a highlighted email address would count as an edit

  • Fixed To field in email editor not choosing highlighted emails when clicking out of the field or pressing space

  • Fixed issue with purchase order not asking to create invoice to come after marking as sent

  • Fixed issue with Send Schedule in Quote screen not picking up email template changes

  • Fixed issue with time entries in Safari requiring a colon

New Calendar

  • Fixed badly formatted scrollbars in Convert to Job window

  • Added new date picker which can jump between month/year

General Fixes

  • Added Attention field to billing contact and ability for it to appear on quote/invoice

  • Added setting to make customer source optional when creating new customers

Released on 4 Dec 2016

New Calendar

  • User colours! You can now opt to have events in each row reflect the colour of the user

  • Fixed schedule event window closing after cancelling an SMS

  • Fixed text display issue in job filter

Job Card

  • Improved fields in email editor to allow copy-pasting

  • Changed reference number to job number for document matches in reconciliation screen

  • Fixed site visit list not scrolling on smaller screens


  • Added Business Activity Report


  • Improved syncing of supplier documents with Xero

  • Made supplier invoice numbers optional on Xero accounts payables

  • Fixed issue with some favourites not showing a total cost figure

Supplier Documents

  • Added Ideal HNZ CSV support

  • Added Karapiro Hire CSV support

  • Added Think Water CSV support

  • Added Pecks Plumbing Plus CSV support

  • Added Hynds Limited CSV support

Health & Safety

  • Fixed job information not showing in Reported Hazards in Compliance Report

General Fixes

  • Reworded some notifications to make them clearer

  • Fixed issue with custom line item descriptions that would prevent them from saving

  • Fixed saving of empty custom line items in the custom price book

  • Fixed Sign Up Now button on Training site returning an error message

Released on 10 Nov 2016

New Calendar

  • Fixed issue with event description not showing correctly on custom events

  • Fixed time tooltips not appearing if the event start time was outside the calendar view

  • Fixed the create event preview from showing when you were mousing over an event in the week / fortnight view

  • You can now send emails and SMS from calendar events

  • Fixed start date sometimes changing to today when editing the duration field

  • Duration field now shows days as well as hours

  • Fixed the event form closing when the email popup also closes

  • Fixed the event form incorrectly opening when dragging a job in week view

  • Improved event form display on smaller screens

  • Scheduling an event from the job list on the left now shows a green tick as scheduled

  • Added warning when an event is about to be scheduled in the past

  • Improved animations on date picker

Job Card

  • Fixed issue with site email address not pulling through when emailing site contact

  • Fixed scrollbar that would appear in Financial Summary when cost figure is a big number

  • Fixed the creation of additional site visits if you clicked the New Site Visit button lots of times accidentally

  • Fixed 'New Site Visit' modal closing if you clicked outside of it

  • Added purchase order number in the subject line of purchase order emails

  • Fixed calendar event info popup appearing behind the date ribbon

  • Fixed calendar stopping scrolling when you dragged outside the edge of the calendar view

  • Added event desription on calendar events in the scheduler

  • Fixed Show First Run button in calendar settings not opening the first run tutorial

  • Fixed issue where duplicate events would be created if updating a recurring event and specifying to only update that event in the series

  • Fixed issue when updating a recurring event and specifying to split an event out in the recurring series would leave a recurring badge on the event

  • Fixed unassigned events showing Convert To Job button

  • Fixed non-working hours background not rendering smoothly

  • Fixed issue where clicking an event from the unassigned job/event list didn't pull in the site contact into the edit event form


  • Fixed Summary of Activity missing Australian BSB numbers for Australian companies

  • Fixed Summary of activity cutting off last line of page one and adding part of the second page's first line

  • Fixed Supplier Document Report filters not remaining active when searching, which would return no results


  • Fixed issue where tax type in settings was not displaying correctly on invoices

  • Fixed cutting off of Import button when importing site visits in invoice builder

Supplier Documents

  • Improved logging of failed accounting syncs that were not showing error information if they failed to sync to MYOB

  • Added The Urban Quarry CSV support

General Fixes

  • Fixed issue with employee location report showing incorrect times

  • Added ability to edit cost on custom line items in favourites

  • Extended SMS expiry period to 365 days

  • Fixed time entries still rounding to the nearest 15 mins when imported from the site visit onto invoices even if you had that setting disabled

  • Fixed display issue that occurs when dragging a customer list into the drag and drop area

Fergus Public Website

  • Updated detailed business calculator on public website

  • Fixed business calculator content jumping down the page after scrolling

Released on 8 Nov 2016

New Calendar

  • Fixed issue with assigning jobs to unassigned events row

  • Fixed problem where you couldn't save an unassigned event

  • Fixed issue where custom event would get stuck in converting state to job

  • Fixed issue where job tooltips would disappear after hover

  • Fixed issue with fractional # of days in custom recurring rules

  • Fixed issue with dragging jobs to schedule not pulling across job descriptions

  • Fixed issue where event tooltip disappeared after hover

  • Fixed event title not showing correctly in edit form

  • Fixed issue with ctrl click on employee list not multiple selecting employees

  • Fixed collapse sidebar not working in some cases

  • Fixed recurring rule not getting deleted when setting event repeat to never

  • Fixed events with custom daily frequency of more than 1 day not saving correctly

  • Changed event title to be site visit title (if a site visit scheduled event) instead of the parent job title

  • Made title field pre-selected when creating a new custom event in the edit form

  • Improved performance & support of calendar for tablets

  • Made calendar popups appear in the middle of screen view

  • Disabled event status badges in week / fortnight view

  • Fixed issue where time tooltips would not get cleaned up when hovering rows in week / fortnight view

  • Fixed issue where clicks on week / fortnight views did not register

  • Fixed issue with date ribbon not rendering correctly in week / fortnight view

  • Fixed arrow on popover for job list

  • Fixed issue where large calendar events did not display in the calendar if they started outside the current view

  • Fixed issue where tapping on a job link on the tablet would not take you to that job

  • Fixed layout issue of job link label in edit form getting split over multiple lines

  • Fixed date ribbons & columns not getting re-rendered on browser window resize

  • Fixed date ribbon not resizing correctly after collapsing the side panel controls

  • Fixed issue where linked events would not open when clicking on them

  • Fixed issue where clicking in the background on the edit form would not close the form if you had made no changes

  • Fixed issue where dragging an event outside the schedule area would leave the drag preview active

  • Fixed issue with drag preview being offset from mouse cursor when switching between calendar views

  • Improved UI around updating users on linked events

  • Fixed issue with calendar first run modal next button moving around during the steps

  • Fixed style of month label if it started on a weekend

Health & Safety

  • Added default SWMS, Templates & H&S Policy for companies on sign up

Job Card

  • Clicking on site contact email now fills the Quick Email form with the correct site email address instead of the main contact

  • Supplier name now displayed beside each purchase order in purchase order list

  • Delivery address on purchase order now includes City & Zip/Post Code

  • Improved formatting of company address on purchase order PDF

  • Improved formatting of company address on summary of activity PDF

  • Improved formatting of customer address on summary of activity

  • Fixed total event duration label not appearing on events in the first row


  • Added confirmation for deleting combined line items on invoice

  • Added editable customer name & customer address fields

  • Made tax amount label use tax type chosen in settings

  • Added option in Create Invoice dropdown to invoice % of estimate when creating customer invoice

  • Added ability to import quote descriptions onto customer invoice

  • Fixed issue where line items sometimes would not cooperate when using 'move to section' bulk action


  • Payroll CSV export now codes annual leave correctly as per Crystal Payroll guidelines

  • Fixed incorrect pay rule penalty displaying on time entries with uncharged time and no start time

General Fixes

  • Status board tab now hidden if user has Status board permission disabled

Released on 26 Oct 2016

General fixes

  • Add ability to import site visit & quote descriptions onto invoices

  • Add ability to pull in labour descriptions onto invoices

  • Add total cost for sections onto invoice & quote builder

  • Add transaction date to job card cost report

  • Add cost & price line subtotals to job card cost report

  • Add bulk assignment option for auto matched supplier documents in the supplier document report

  • Add expand all option in the supplier document report

  • Improve geocoding of site addresses to fix jobs not appearing correctly on the map

  • Purchase orders now display date of creation in the PDF

  • Fix issue with contact form where it would be expecting an email even though you switched the contact type to phone

  • Fix layout issue with invoice & quote document date picker where the months were all squished

  • Fix issue where scheduling area doesn't show correctly on Quote jobs after accepting the quote.

  • Fix issue where MYOB api wasn't pulling in payments for invoices if you had changed your company files and then changed it back.

  • Fix issue in new calendar where long running scheduled events weren't showing if they started outside the viewport.

  • Fix issue in new calendar where you couldn't tap the job link if you were on a tablet

  • Fix issue in new calendar where the job link label was overflowing

  • Fix issue in new calendar where unscheduled jobs were showing a 'Convert to job' button even though they were already a job.

  • Fix issue in new calendar where you couldn't click on empty space to dismiss the calendar event form

  • Fix issue in new calendar where the create event preview would be incorrectly offset from the mouse cursor

  • New calendar event status badges now hidden when in week / fortnight view

  • New calendar modals now display centered on the screen correctly

Fergus Public Website

  • Updates to copy on various marketing pages

Released on 11 Oct 2016

General fixes

  • Improved status board & updated tooltips with more information (setting enabled under user preferences)

  • Fix issue when editing a recurring job template and setting repeat rule to never

  • Fix issue where days / hours were appearing twice around day light savings in new calendar

  • Improve error screens & allow navigating back from them better

  • Fix issue with job card showing job creator & creation date wrong if made from an old draft

  • Fix issue with Xero syncing customer invoice dates as date created not date approved

  • Updated some user permission descriptions

  • Small layout fixes

Fergus public website

  • Added new detailed business calculator

Released on 16 Sep 2016

General fixes

  • Refactored actual activity report to more clearly show all costs (linked to job & not back costed) between jobs & site visits

  • Made site visits redirect to job card on actual activity report

  • Fixed sorting by job / site visit on cost reports

  • Fixed contact editor warning about email format if you switched from email to phone

  • Fixed error with status board popup for recurring jobs

  • Added ability to manually mark purchase orders as sent

  • Fixed email attachments sending with original filename instead of renamed one

  • Fixed issue with google address search not using your immediate location leading to results from overseas

  • Fixed recurring events not appearing in job card Assignment & Scheduling area

  • Fixed show and hide buttons in Assignment & Scheduling area

  • Fixed issue with supplier documents being sent to Xero with the wrong document date

  • Removed the pre-filled tick from checkbox when clicking 'More' on a task

  • Made clicking into a field in quote & invoice builder select all text rather than place cursor at the end

Performance improvements

  • Improved performance of scheduled maintenance tasks

Public website updates

  • Added new landing page to Fergus website

Released on 1 Sep 2016

General Fixes

  • Removed Office user type, merged into Full User type and added settings to allow old Office users to behave the same in Fergus

  • Fixed meeting minutes in H&S so it shows a preview of the text if it is too large

  • Fixed small warning message appearing in customer invoice report

  • Improve add button on custom price book screen

  • Fix issue with scheduled staff dates being out of correct order with site visit printed worksheet

  • Fix issue with supplier emails in price book settings not showing back up after updating them

  • Fix issue with task notifications not having a link to the task

  • Update naming of supplier documents & purchase order tabs on the job card to be less confusing

  • Fix incorrect email timestamp in notes & history

  • Fix issue with recurring event start time getting affected by some time zones

  • Fix issue where rollbacks of a customer import could prevent the re-entry of a previously rolled back customer

  • Fix issue where time entry would complain about overlapping time when it clearly wasn't

Public Website Updates

  • Improved login page on mobile views

  • Added navigation bar to login page

  • Added Value Calculator to pricing page

Released on 18 Aug 2016


  • Improved supplier documents report & split assignment of merchant documents

  • Added way to set tax rate on per-customer basis

  • Added company Setting to Automatically create an invoice to come from a Purchase Order

  • Added new supplier to CSV importer The Goods Shed

  • Added employee group as a column on WIP Report

  • Added email failed delivery notifications

General fixes

  • Fixed tasks notification settings not saving correctly

  • Fixed issue with printed job worksheet times getting affected by timezone

  • Fixed issue where locking timesheet did not prevent times from being edited or deleted in some situations

  • Fixed issue where if you schedule a task for tomorrow it will make it due today

New Calendar Fixes

  • Added ability for event text to be moved into view for long events

  • Added status to show which jobs for the day has had time added in and better yet if it's labour complete or not

  • Fixed issue where event tooltips were showing when hovering over another event during an event drag

  • Fixed issue when filtering employees list, the job list gets resized, but after clearing employee filter the job list is not resized again

  • Fixed issue where if the event/job is too small you cannot drag it to make it bigger

  • Fixed issue on calendar not assigning people correctly to job when assigning multiple people to event

  • Cancelling changes on a linked event only resets the first event, not the other ones

Released on 5 Jul 2016

  • Added the ability to bulk select and delete Line Items in Custom Price Books

  • Fixed niche issue with Timesheet Overview Report and overlapping time entries

  • Fixed Add Payment button on Invoices Due report so it behaves consistently with Job Invoicing

  • Fixed issue where the spread of hours in Pay Rules was not working correctly in some timezones

  • Fixed issue with Employee Location Report that was showing incorrect time in some timezones

  • Improve how we handle SMS unsubscribing for push notifications

  • Fixed some issues with how Mark as Sent works on Invoicing

Released on 30 Jun 2016


  • Added support for merging customers; you'll find the option inside your Customer Card under the cog in the top right corner

  • Added merchant support for Sheriff Electrical and D&K Electrical Services

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with Draft Jobs not getting reused properly

  • Fixed an issue where the Status Board gets stuck with the wrong filter on Group/Employee disable

  • Fixed a small issue when creating Users which have usernames already existing within Fergus

Released on 16 Jun 2016

  • Elevated Tasks from Fergus Labs to now being a standard feature

  • Added ability to mark an Invoice as Sent from the print button

  • Fixed an issue where the Status Board Permissions sometimes wasn't being honoured

  • Big speed improvements for the Calendar

  • Improved the Quote Import sort order

  • Fixed an issue to improve downloading Fergus Invoices

  • Improved the general connect to MYOB screen

  • Fixed a timezone issue on the Time Sheet

  • Improve speed and reliability of long running reports

  • Added CSV support for City Plumbing Supplies and Voltex

  • Fixed an issue on the new Pay Summary Report

Released on 30 May 2016

  • Full Users can now delete customers that have jobs or emails attached - jobs attached to deleted customers will be archived

  • Supplier CSV import improved for Wolsley, Zips, Firth, Centre Plumbing, and AWM

  • You can now save Status Board filters across different sessions

  • Fixed employee auto-complete when logging in to multiple accounts

  • Added new setting for Fallback Markup Rate

  • Added a Created By field to Purchases screen

Released on 28 Apr 2016

  • Hazard Templates: now you can create templates of hazards and quickly create new ones from existing templates instead of creating a new one each time, this feature will be added to the mobile app in the coming weeks

  • New button to mark a job as having been assessed for hazards as having "No hazards on site"

  • You now have the ability to select a Merchant when creating a Purchase Order to help filter the email addresses when emailing

  • Ability to have US date format setting of Month/Day/Year

  • Fixed an issue where Xero sometimes overwrote existing invoices by adding a merchant prefix to the invoice number

  • Added the ability to save your last dashboard filter setting

  • Added new support for Supplier Invoice CSVs for Go Electrical, Pipe Zone and Haymans

Released on 5 Apr 2016

Health & Safety is a large complex project. With Phase 1 we have created a solid foundation for the next phases as we continue to develop it further in the coming months.

What's included in this release? * Toolbox Meetings * Hazard Tracking and Mitigations * Incident and Near Miss recording * Health & Safety policies viewable/emailable * Medical centre locations easily accessible in the app

Released on 18 Mar 2016

  • Created a new Actual Activity Report

  • New Supplier Invoice CSV support (Rexel, John R Turk, Firth Concrete, Travis Perkins)

  • Added individual permissions for reports

  • Added suburb to Quote/Estimate Status Board popup

  • Added new uncharged items: "Annual Leave", "Stat Holiday", "Sick Leave", "Lunch", "Pick Up Supplies"

  • Fixed Customer WIP Report filters

  • Improved Charge Out Rate behaviour for Time Entry

  • Added "Payment On Receipt" and "Last Day of Current Month" invoice payment options

  • Fixed an issue with generating purchase order PDFs

  • Fixed an issue with URLs being adjusted in the news feed

  • Fixed Tax Rate settings for MYOB

  • Fixed the Variable Tax Rates on Xero invoices

  • Moved MYOB from a Fergus Lab to a full standard feature for use

Released on 2 Mar 2016

We've added a Files and Photos section to the Customer page, enabling you to store files and photos against a customer rather than on a job.

Customer Files & Photos

Minor Fixes

  • Added various improvements to speed up the performance of Fergus

  • Added Job Site Address to the summary of activity if the order number is blank

  • Added Running Totals to the Purchase Order editor.

  • Added a View PDF button to Purchase Orders (as well as download PDF)

  • Email attachments will now send with the correct file name

  • Users can now delete Price Books

  • Added ability to download Price Book files and to upload Customer Lists

  • Fixed problem where occasionally the wrong currency symbol was showing for some users

Released on 26 Jan 2016

You can now view the site addresses attached to a customer and remove them from the list so they don't show up when creating new jobs.

You will be able to find this as a new tab on the Customers page.

Released on 15 Jan 2016

Today we've pushed some changes to the Purchase Orders function inside Fergus. Here's an outline of the more significant changes:

Purchase orders

  • Purchase orders can now be managed at the job level, saving you the trouble of drilling down to the Quote/Estimate or Site Visit level

  • You can now generate an Invoice To Come from a Purchase Order

  • New Purchase Order editor layout improves usability and appearance

  • Improved design of Purchase Order download/email

  • You can now specify Unit Cost and Unit Price for each Purchase Order line item

  • Unit Cost and Unit Price can be shown/hidden when downloading/emailing through Display Options dropdown

  • Order number now is auto-generated in sequence to ensure every Purchase Order has a unique Order Number

  • You will be automatically prompted to create an Invoice to Come when sending a Purchase Order

  • You can now auto-populate the Delivery Address based on the Job Site Address, Customer Address or Office Address

  • You can also track whether a Purchase Order has been sent or not

  • When reconciling an Invoice To Come with an invoice we now highlight discrepancies in the cost and quantities between the invoice and the order

  • And finally, you can now customise your outgoing Purchase Order Email (Settings → Email → Templates )

Released on 13 Jan 2016

Payroll Rules is an optional new feature to help you better manage employee pay structures. It's designed to make time entries easier to manage and to determine what is eligible for normal time and for overtime pay. This information makes it easier to output accurate information to your payroll system.

Each employee can now have a set of pay rules associated with them. These rules define things such as:

  • the ordinary days of work for an employee

  • the maximum number of ordinary hours per day before overtime applies

  • specific pay rates for work done outside ordinary hours

  • specific pay rates for work done on Saturdays and Sundays

Once you have entered pay rules for an employee, Fergus will break down all extra time worked into one of the overtime categories you have specified.

We also allow for you to override a specific breakdown in the timesheet overview in case one of the existing rules does not cover a scenario for your employee. If this is the case frequently we will look at adding additional rules to cover these situations.

The new Pay Summary Report is a weekly overview of an employee's normal time, overtime, and annual leave. This is intended to be used for quick entry into pay roll systems.

Released on 12 Jan 2016

To make it easier to keep your Favourites organised, we've enabled drag–and–drop functionality in the Favourites editor in Settings. You can now quickly manage your lists and folders to best reflect how you use material and labour items in your pricing and invoicing.

Released on 12 Jan 2016

The top search bar in Fergus now also lets you search for Supplier Documents using the invoice number or job reference number.

Released on 15 Dec 2015

We've now released the all new Tasks feature in Fergus which gives staff the ability to manage job-specific and employee-specific checklists. You can find Tasks in a new section on your dashboard:


Tasks are simple to use and give you greater accountability in the office and out on site.

  • Each task has a description and can be assigned to one or more employees.

  • Employees can view and manage their tasks on a new section of the Fergus dashboard.

  • Tasks can also be added on specific jobs via the job card, and will be visible on the main dashboard view too.

  • Hovering over a task will display additional information; clicking the task will open up the full view.

  • Tasks have an optional due date, and once a task is due it will be highlighted red.

  • Each task has a checkbox enabling the task to be marked as complete, then it will disappear from the main view.

  • Any one assigned employee marking a task as complete will clear the task.

  • Tasks on the Fergus dashboard are divided into Overdue and Upcoming sections; recently completed tasks can be seen by clicking the Show completed tasks link.

A simplified list of tasks is also visible on the menu bar at the top of Fergus:


  • Employees will receive a notification when a task has been assigned to them, when a task is due the next day, and when a task is overdue (Notifications can be enabled/disabled in Preferences).

  • Tasks have a Replies section where employees can leave notes or discuss a particular task.

  • Users with permissions enabled can view, create and manage other users' tasks from the Fergus dashboard.

Our mobile apps have also been updated with the Tasks feature. You can add and manage tasks easily while on the go.

Released on 3 Dec 2015

You can now search by email or phone number in Fergus.

You can use this new feature in the following places: * Global top menu bar search * Searching for customers when creating a new job

Released on 3 Dec 2015

Now when you create a new customer and enter their email address, Fergus will warn you if there is already a customer in the system using the same email address. This should stop the creation of duplicate customers in the system, and keep your customer list tidier.

Released on 2 Dec 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare double up issue related to splitting line items on merchant invoices.

  • Fixed a problem with saving purchase order email addresses for re-use.

  • Fixed some problem with some recurring jobs not being created automatically.

  • Improved supplier invoice CSV handling of weird formatting.

  • Improved display of addresses.

  • Fixed a problem with the date filter on the location report.

To view Release information from other years, click the links below.

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