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Release Notes 2017
Release Notes 2017

A log of updates in Fergus made in 2017

Max avatar
Written by Max
Updated over a week ago

Released on 14 Dec 2017


  • You can now see the price of items before adding them to your documents! This includes quotes, invoices, and purchase orders

  • We have updated the look and feel of the Navigation bar

  • We have updated the look and feel of the Scheduling tab on the Job Card


  • Added support for Harrison & Bloy CSV import

  • Added support for Galvins Plumbing Plus CSV import

  • Added support for MM Electrical Merchandising CSV import

  • Added support for Southern Plaster Suppliers CSV import

  • Added support for Eisno Lifetech Appliances CSV import

  • Added support for Asset Codes in the Sales Account Codes picker

  • Updated invoice import screen to show when site visits have already been imported

  • Updated accounting sync for supplier invoices so tax should no longer be re-added

  • Improved speed of WIP Report and added a button to manually refresh data

  • Fixed the address finder dropping details for UK addresses

  • Fixed calendar drag-n-drop breaking on newest iOS

  • Fixed Tasks list on menu bar dropping below screen

  • Fixed issue where archived and rejected jobs would show in the status board

  • Fixed issue where pasting text into certificates would overwrite existing text

  • Fixed SMS invoice reminder forgetting which month the invoice was due

  • Fixed some columns in the WIP Report disappearing when switching to Custom view

  • Fixed mixed-up headers on Actual Activity Report export

  • Fixed invoice filter not applying in Supplier Document Processing screen

  • Fixed SMS button not working on Create Job screen

  • Minor text and interface fixes

Released on 16 Nov 2017


  • Files and photos now have a number identifier, making it even easier to find the right photo on your job

  • You can now send an SMS for Quote and Estimate bookings

  • New Hazards Report

    • The Hazard Report lists each hazard discovered on the job and any steps taken to mitigate it. Go to one of your jobs, click Hazards, and use the Send Hazard Report option to preview and send the report to your customer.

Send Hazard Report


  • Updated % of Quote invoice option to split costs between sales accounts used on the quote

  • Updated Variations list on job card to show Title and Status of each variation. Also, you can now open variations in a new tab

  • Updated look of job card for Timesheet Only users

  • Updated look of profile picture chooser

  • Improved error handling in Purchase Order workflow

  • Fixed issue where deleting an Unassigned scheduled event deleted events for other users

  • Fixed completed tasks contributing to number of tasks remaining on job card

  • Fixed supplier document PDF export ignoring currency set in Settings

  • Fixed issue where converting an event to a job on the calendar put the job in To Schedule

  • Fixed stock on hand ignoring tax rate set in Tiered Pricing

  • Fixed Pay Summary Report showing trailing figures

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 25 Oct 2017


  • We've redesigned the way jobs are displayed on the homepage. This makes it much easier to filter and navigate your jobs!

  • We've also upgraded the design of the job card!

  • Permissions have got an upgrade and are now easier to manage. You can also set permissions by choosing from a list of profiles

  • You can now import favourites based on your uploaded Plumbing World price book


  • Added ability to edit formatting of published quotes and estimates

  • Updated quote accepted notifications to include the name of the job

  • Updated logic of quote accepted notifications

  • Updated Unassigned row on calendar

  • Improved speed and reliability of calendar

Released on 13 Sep 2017

New Report

  • We're pleased to announce the Business Activity Report. This data will help you see how you are tracking, and what your biggest expenses are.

Additional Certificate Types

  • We have added three new certificate types: NZ Electrical Safety Certificate, NZ Gas Code of Compliance Certificate, and NZ Gas Safety Certificate.

Updated Financial Summary

  • We've done an overhaul of the Financial Summary section of the Job Card.


  • Updated Group Management interface

  • Improved formatting of Cost Report when displaying large figures

  • Improved visibility of Queries on customer invoices

  • Improved behaviour of website links in Notes

  • Fixed addresses not containing Suburb in Calendar

  • Fixed users appearing in random order in time entry picker

  • Fixed photos on Invoice to Come being removed after converting to a Received Invoice

  • Fixed rare issue where favourites could not be added to Purchase Orders

  • Fixed issue where voided quotes could be accepted

  • Fixed issue where Calendar time selector did not display on Safari

  • Fixed inability to navigate more than 3 Favourites folders deep in Tiered Pricing

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 30 Aug 2017

We have a big release this month, so grab a coffee, put your feet up, and read on to see what we've been working on.


  • You can now import site visits, quotes, and previous invoices from variations onto your customer invoices with a whole new improved import interface

  • All new and improved notifications interface

  • You will now be notified by email when your company credit is running low

  • Added an Invoice Due Date tag to email templates

  • Added logging to job Stock on Hand to show who added what


  • Improved appearance of calendar on smaller displays

  • Improvements to calendar event popup

  • Fixed search not returning results with capital letters

  • Fixed badges covering event info

  • Fixed addresses not opening map

  • Fixed contact forms not using contact info that was clicked

Document Builder

  • Improved behaviour of formatting options

  • Fixed Favourites importing in an unexpected order

  • Fixed error messages covering fields

  • Fixed line items not using customer tax rate setting

  • Fixed issue where Subtotal and Total lines could be split across pages

  • Quotes now display your ABN (Australian Business Number) if entered

Job Card

  • Improved behaviour of email buttons

  • Improved quote accepted / declined log entry to highlight notes left by customer

  • Improved error message when trying to send Quote Schedule with nothing scheduled

  • Fixed issue where site visit could display as In Progress instead of Labour Complete

  • Fixed user profile photos opening the old calendar on the job card


  • Added support for ITM CSV import

  • Added support for TLE CSV import

  • Added a warning when assigning supplier documents to fully invoiced site visits

  • Added a discard edits confirmation to time entry popup

  • Improved display of Tasks to highlight notes added to them

  • Improved entry of 24hr time on timesheet reports

  • Improved supplier deletion process

  • Improved appearance of placeholders in customer edit screen

  • Improved navigation in Customers screen

  • Improved appearance of customer merge popup on smaller displays

  • Improvements to SWMS list popup

  • Improvements to Favourites editor popup

  • Fixed City sending through to MYOB twice when Suburb wasn't listed

  • Fixed notes temporarily disappearing after editing a customer

  • Fixed Timesheet Overview displaying trailing figures

  • Fixed unresponsive Query button on Today's Jobs screen

  • Fixed Copy Section in Favourites forgetting to copy the favourite's description

  • Fixed employee signature displaying incorrectly in Settings

  • Fixed Additional Search Field in price book not returning line item results

  • Fixed issue where email address wouldn't paste into email address fields

  • Fixed inability to paste into H&S Meeting Minutes

  • Fixed H&S Meetings page scrolling randomly when selecting employees

  • Fixed invoice reminder using $ symbol when company currency setting was different

  • Fixed new customer error when name contained a special character ( ' / - etc)

  • Fixed favourites editor sometimes appearing blank

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 6 Aug 2017

Quote Versions

You can now create multiple quote versions on your Fergus jobs!

Use this to keep track of documents that have been sent to the customer and easily revert to older versions. You no longer have to unlock your quote to edit and resend it. Simply create a new version, make the adjustments, and resend while keeping the original version intact.

Sales Accounts

Until now, you could only assign line items to Materials or Labour. With our new Sales Accounts feature you can create accounts to track your line items and assign them to account codes in Xero or MYOB for tracking.

Other features

  • Moved site visit scheduling to its own tab on the site visit

  • Moved purchase orders and scheduling to its own set of tabs on the quote

  • Improved the display of banners on archived and stale jobs

  • Timezone is now editable in ⚙ Settings

  • Added stock on hand logging to job Notes & History

  • Added ability to clear Fixture Price in Favourites editor

Released on 27 Jul 2017

  • You can now reset your avatar to the coloured initials by hovering over it in the top right and clicking Change Profile Picture

  • Invoices to Come are now automatically created if you've turned on 'Create automatically' in Settings

  • Improved the display of text on the new vertical calendar week view

  • Improved calendar reliability

  • Improved sorting of Timesheet Summary report

  • Fixed issue where Master Admin user could change their user type

  • Fixed issue preventing Pay Rules from applying immediately after turning on

  • Fixed Files & Photos link disappearing when permissions disabled

  • Fixed tasks disappearing when permission to view other users' tasks was disabled

  • Fixed missing job number on site visit worksheet

  • Minor text fixes

NZ Gas and Electrical Certificates


Released on 10 Jul 2017

Today we're happy to announce the release of New Zealand Gas and Electrical COCs and Safety certificates.

Available now on desktop and the mobile app. See this article to get started.

Released on 29 Jun 2017

  • Added a download button for credit purchase receipts in Billing Settings

  • Added a current time indicator to the vertical calendar

  • Added ability to hide unassigned column on vertical calendar

  • Added ability to import supplier names from connected Xero account

  • Added a Sent label to the Payments column on the Status Board

  • Added note creation date to pinned notes

  • Added a confirm close to Put on Hold popup if you've typed notes

  • Added a confirm close to New Task popup if you've typed notes

  • Added a warning to the supplier document importer to prevent double assignment

  • Improved Add to Favourites behaviour so line items are only added to Custom Price Book when necessary

  • Improved password reset workflow

  • Improved Notes permissions to apply to all places notes are available

  • Improved address picker in New Job form to show both suburb and city

  • Improved formatting of Quote Brief

  • Fixed Cost Report totals not updating when report was filtered

  • Fixed company address requiring both suburb and city

  • Fixed price book upload date not appearing

  • Fixed email editor being cut-off on some macOS devices

  • Fixed issue with deleting favourites showing an error message

  • Fixed rare issue with saving recurring events

  • Fixed issue where Tradespeople could apply overtime rates

  • Fixed calendar popup appearing when stretching events

  • Fixed custom events displaying incorrectly after converting to job

  • Marking a user as Labour Complete now correctly ticks the event on the calendar for that user only

  • You can now edit a recurring event template at any time

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 27 Jun 2017

  • Added a default option to hide or show all line items on quotes and invoices

  • Added a counter to the Hazards tab on the job card to help track how many unmitigated hazards remain

  • Added support for Tritoflex CSV import

  • Added suburb info to Status Board statuses that were missing it

  • Improved reliability of click-to-schedule on calendar

  • Improvements to customer editor to prevent validation messages appearing when unnecessary

  • Improvements to new site visit workflow

  • Fixed Purchase Orders not remembering what type they were

  • Fixed Add Payment button not going anywhere on Invoicing screen

  • Pay Rules are now enabled immediately after opting into the feature

  • New page tours to better (and more succinctly) describe what everything does

  • Clicking the Markup field on quotes and invoices now selects all text

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 12 Jun 2017

  • Added a counter to the Import Supplier Documents icon to help track how many invoices are awaiting reconciliation

  • Terms of Trade are once again automatically attached to the Send Job Details email

  • New site contacts now shown when creating a job from the calendar

  • Importing combined line items from quotes now brings along the cost

  • You are now asked if you'd like to save changes to replies to notes

  • Minor update to Mark as Complete popup shown when job ends

  • Minor text fixes

  • Minor certification bug fixes

Released on 28 May 2017

  • Added support for Waterware CSV import

  • Added support for ColorEx CSV import

  • Improvements to UI on training videos page

  • Improved matching of supplier documents to site visits

  • Fixed a rare case where a line item could have no section

  • Purchase order CSV files now list product code and name separately

  • Minor text fixes

Released on 22 May 2017

General Fixes

  • Improved loading speed of the main dashboard especially for users with lots of tasks.

  • Added ability for Tasks to load older entries when you reach the end

  • Added statutory holiday info to Crystal Payroll CSV export

  • Added warning when splitting supplier documents if chosen site visit is invoiced

  • Added support for LTE CSV import

  • Fixed a rare case where a sent invoice would show as Not Sent

  • Fixed an issue where saving a combined line item as a favourite duplicated some lines

  • Improved the Assign & Schedule area on the job card so it immediately shows employees with new time entries


  • Dragging an event in vertical calendar now moves between users rather than days

  • Added unassigned column to vertical calendar

  • Empty groups are now hidden from the staff picker

  • Fixed delete pop up showing twice when you delete an event

  • Fixed Job card displaying wrong schedule information for unassigned events

Overdue Invoice Reminders

  • Added ability to send automatic SMS and email reminders for overdue invoices

Released on 1 May 2017

General Fixes

  • Improved first run tour and updated company sign up process

  • Improved customer editor so invalid email warnings only show when necessary

  • Improved design of tabs throughout the site

  • Improved layout of time labels on vertical calendar

  • Improved placement of date picker in calendar

  • Added ability for Notice Board to load older entries when you reach the end

  • Added a 'Full Site Address' tag to the email templates which incl. city and post code

  • Added supplier name column to Supplier Document Report export

  • Added a close confirmation on the note editor

  • Added landscape invoice option in Settings

  • Fixed an issue where non-Full Users could be made Master Users

  • Fixed an issue which could result in an account having no Full Users

  • Fixed an issue where Draft jobs couldn't be accessed if the Status Board was empty

  • Fixed calendar resizing incorrectly when opening / closing job panel

  • Fixed calendar loading wrong employee column size

  • Fixed Unassigned log entry not stating what group was unassigned

  • Fixed TOS link on Partner registration page not going anywhere

  • Fixed issue with marking invoices as sent during printing

  • Updated Unassign button to use a cross icon

  • Updated AWM importer to accept Credits

Mico Integration

  • Mico integration now checks for new supplier documents more often


  • MYOB contact names are now shortened to max length that MYOB allows when importing

Released on 23 Apr 2017

  • Performance optimisations

  • Added button to ignore failed validation message on supplier invoices upon import. This allows you to assign supplier documents that are a bit wiggly like having $0 tax etc

  • Update bar chart style on financial summary report for credit amounts

  • Fixed permissions on calendar

  • Improved Create Site Visit workflow to create site visits after pressing OK rather than straight away

  • Update AWM CSV importer

  • Update Reece CSV importer

  • Fixed convert hazard to template being enabled even if user didn't have permission

  • Updated layout of supplier picker in supplier document importer

  • Added Mitre 10 Excl logo

  • Improved location data capture

  • Improved registration of devices with Fergus to not rely on push notifications

Released on 17 Mar 2017

Chart of accounts refactor

  • Implemented a rewrite to this system to allow future support of custom chart of account codes

Project financial summary refactor

  • Total rewrite of this feature to support variations and side by side comparisons of all site visits

  • Shows profit & loss across all site visits / variations so you can better identify the state of your project

Calendar Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with DST on the vertical mode

  • Fixed permission issue around creating & editing custom events

  • Fixed issue with new customer not showing on new job form after creation

  • Fixed Site visits not showing on calendar if they only had a group assigned

  • Fixed Custom events on vertical mode not having correct style

  • Added ability to remember last calendar view mode

  • Fixed the Open job link on edit event form not going anywhere

Miscellaneous fixes

  • Added Namibian currency support

  • Fixed supplier document processing filters not working

  • Fixed only hazard templates on the first page of list being able to be added to a job

  • Changed default on hold date to 1 day instead of 30 days

  • Add 21% tax rate option

  • Add invoice total and quote total tags to email templates

Released on 14 Feb 2017

New Vertical Calendar mode and MYOB improvements

Calendar Improvements

Based on feedback received from our users, we have added a new vertical mode to the Fergus Calendar. This more closely resembles how the calendar operated before and allows you to better see employees alongside one another for scheduling purposes.

  • View employees as columns instead of rows with our new Vertical Calendar Mode

  • Fixed a daylight savings issue affecting event saving around the daylight savings changeover.

  • Added new style to custom events to distinguish them better

  • Added better time picker to edit calendar event form

  • Fixed issue with unassigned events row not updating after an event had been deleted

  • Fixed issue with recurring events not showing on unassigned events row

MYOB Improvements

We have spent time over the past few weeks updating our MYOB integration to address some issues with duplicates that could occur with customer invoices & supplier documents. This should really tighten up the integration and going forward handle changes that have occurred on the MYOB side much more reliably.

  • Can now mark customers in Fergus as Individuals / Companies. This helps improve searching for them in MYOB.

  • Can now import suppliers from MYOB into Fergus in the Fergus Price Books Settings page.

  • New suppliers & customers in Fergus will now check for existing occurrences in MYOB before creating them in MYOB

  • New customer invoices in Fergus will now check for existing occurrences in MYOB before creating them in MYOB

General Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Invoices and Quotes now display page numbers on the generated PDF

  • Employee map is now centred on company office pin by default

  • Added a link to our blog from the public-facing website. You'll find the blog here:

  • Fixed display issue with time stamps showing in wrong timezone on map

  • Fixed a rare bug where clicking the Markup in a combined Line Item changed the Cost Price

  • Fixed Fergus invoices not sending out in some situations

  • Updated the email editor to accept pasting from Word again

  • Improved @ tagging functionality to make sure Notifications went to the right users

  • Improved formatting on multi-page documents

  • Further cleanup of the Permissions page

  • Fixed totals not updating after applying a filter on the WIP Report

  • Added support for Cetnaj CSV import

  • Added support for Farmlands CSV import

  • Updated Mitre 10 CSV format

Released on 1 Feb 2017

Employee Map

  • Added company location on map

  • Fixed recurring events not showing in event lists

  • Fixed time zone issues with last seen times

  • Fixed error caused by events with no coordinates

  • Fixed employee search field not focusing correctly

  • Fixed issue with popups not opening correctly, resulting in extra clicks to open them

  • Updated employee events list styling

  • Added ability to go to job inside job popup

  • Employees are now hidden on the Live map if they aren't active for 24hrs

Timesheet Only User

  • Removed restriction to simplified time-entry screen, users can now access standard Fergus interface

  • Added access to job card information for jobs assigned to Timesheet users

  • Job-related hazard information can now be added by Timesheet users

  • Access granted to Notice Board and relevant notifications

  • Read-only access to Files & Photos and Notes & History enabled

  • Permissions screen improved to filter only applicable permissions

General Fixes

  • Added quiet time to push notifications

  • We have disabled push notification sounds from 8pm - 7am (the notification will still be sent though!)

  • We are looking at adding a user setting to customise this for your needs.

  • Improved error message when connecting to MYOB with incorrect credentials

  • We have done a clean-up of the Permissions page to more accurately reflect what each user type can access

  • Added a total cost column to the purchase orders list

  • Added the ability to hide quote & invoice line items completely

  • You can now see how many hours were booked for charge up jobs in the job's Financial Summary

  • Updated the drag and drop interface (in the supplier documents screen, Files & Photos, etc)

Released on 19 Jan 2017

New Feature: Revamped Map

  • Shows a map of all jobs for the current day and current locations of employees

  • Shows location track of all employees so you can see a log of employee travel

  • Shows historic event timeline for all employees with timestamps

  • Allows highlighting an employees scheduled events on the map, showing the order they are to be visited in

Bug Fixes

Invoicing / Quoting

  • Fixed issue with manual payments getting incorrect date in some time zones

  • Fixed issue with quote acceptance notification saying 'manually accepted' instead of accepted by customer

  • Fixed task bar not formatting correctly when quote is unlocked

  • Fixed bulk action to move item to section


  • Fixed pay summary report listing uncharged time by wrong type

General Fixes

  • Fixed issue with downloading Fergus invoices in Billing page

  • Renamed 'Job summary' permission to 'Financial Summary'

  • Fixed incorrect tooltip placement on edit time entry form

  • Fixed email fields not supporting emails with apostrophes and other special characters

  • Fixed email validation message appearing when adding a new phone / mobile number in customer form

  • Made email cancel prompt only appear if email has been edited

To view Release information from other years, click the links below.

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