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Fergus Go Calendar

Here’s a quick overview of the Fergus Go Mobile Calendar

Max avatar
Written by Max
Updated over a week ago

Calendar overview

The Calendar tab in the Fergus Go app lets you view your upcoming events, so you always know where you and your team are going and what you'll be doing.

Calendar events & statuses

The calendar displays scheduled job events and custom events (e.g. Toolbox talks, annual leave etc.) These are laid out in a calendar format with times along the left side of the app. You can scroll vertically to view more hours in the day.

The events are colour-coded based on the colours set in the user's profiles. This can be updated via the web version of Fergus. Find out how to set up your user profiles here

The details for each event appear on a card, including:

  • Event Title

  • Customer name

  • Site address

  • Badges to represent the status of the event

An event can have one or more statuses displayed as badges on the event cards in the calendar:

  1. Grouped: When multiple staff members are assigned to the same event, it becomes grouped. Any changes made to the event in Fergus Go can be applied to one or all assigned staff.

  2. Recurring: This badge appears when the event has a repeating schedule.

  3. Work Complete: If a staff member records their time and marks the job as complete, this badge will appear, indicating no further scheduling is required.

  4. To Return: This badge indicates that a staff member has marked the job as requiring a return visit, signalling that it needs to be rescheduled.

Note: The status of 'Work Complete' or 'Need to Return' can be updated by opening a job card, navigating to the 'Assign & Schedule' tool and tapping on a user to change their status.

Viewing others schedules

With the "User can view the calendar for all other users" permission, the filter will be available, allowing you to view scheduled events for other users. By default, your events will be displayed.

Select team members to view their schedules side-by-side or select groups to view those group member's schedules. Scroll to the right to view all team member's schedules.

If selected, the unassigned column will display at the far right of the other selected team members.

Scheduling events

You can schedule custom events and jobs directly from the calendar tab. Simply tap the 'Schedule' button in the bottom right corner of the screen and choose from 'Job' or 'Custom event'.

Selecting 'Job' will open a screen where you can search for active jobs and job phases (those that haven't been invoiced yet) or create a new job. Tapping on a job will open the schedule event screen where you can set the dates, times and assigned employees.

Selecting 'Custom event' will open a screen where you can set the title, descriptions, dates, times and assigned employees for the event.

Note: If you do not select any employees to assign to the event, the event will be displayed in the unassigned column.

Viewing & editing events

To view the job or custom event details, tap the card. This will open the job/job phase or custom event where you can view more details or take actions like starting a timer, adding photos to the job or editing the scheduled event's details.

To view the history of events scheduled for a job, navigate to the 'Assign & Schedule' tool where you will find a history of assigned staff and scheduled events.

To edit the details of a scheduled job event, open the job card, navigate to the 'Assign & Schedule' tool, find and tap on the scheduled event. From here, you can edit the dates, times and assigned employees.

To edit the details of a scheduled custom event, open the event card and navigate to the '...' menu and tap 'Edit details'. From here, you can edit the event title, description, dates, times and assigned employees.

Note: Recurring events cannot be edited in Fergus Go due to their complexity. Please use the web version of Fergus to edit these events.

Navigating between dates

You can view one day at a time and move between the days of the week using the band at the top of the page or the calendar icon.

If you've navigated away from the current date, tap the 'Back to Today' button in the bottom centre of the app to jump back to the current day.

Business hours

Business hours are set by default to Monday to Friday, 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and cannot be modified. Non-business hours are greyed out in the calendar for clarity.

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