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How to set up the Ideal Electrical integration
How to set up the Ideal Electrical integration

Automatically sync your supplier invoices, credits, and price books

Marvin Rebong avatar
Written by Marvin Rebong
Updated over a week ago


Keeping track of emails or paper invoices from suppliers can be challenging and time-consuming for any business.

By connecting your Ideal customer trade account, invoices, credit notes and price books will automatically sync to your Fergus account.

This article will cover:

  • Connecting Ideal Electrical to Fergus

  • Configuring the Connection

  • Confirming the Connection

When to use it:

Connecting your Ideal customer trade account can save you time on admin and paperwork associated with supplier invoices, leaving you free to concentrate on more important things.

How to get set up:

Click here to log in to your Ideal Electrical customer trade account.

Please Note: To connect Ideal Electrical to Fergus, you must have an Ideal Electrical customer trade account, If you don't have one, click here.

Click "My Account" at the top right of the page and select "Downloads" from the drop-down menu.

In the downloads page, click the "Recurring request" tab:

Configuring the Connection:

To configure the connection in the "Schedule New Request" section, Fergus recommends a certain format.

  1. Set the "Document type" to Invoice

  2. Set the "File type" to be Fergus

  3. Set the "Frequency" to Daily

  4. Set the "Method" to Direct

  5. Select "Schedule" to continue, this sends a request with all the details that were just set to get the connection started.

Follow the same procedure to sync your price books into Fergus.

  1. Select ‘Downloads’ from the ‘My Account’ dropdown menu

  2. Select ‘Recurring Requests’ under the Downloads header

  3. Under ‘Document Type’ select ‘PriceFiles

  4. Under ‘File Type’ select ‘Fergus Format

  5. Under ‘Frequency’ select ‘Monthly’ (5a) & under ‘When’ select ‘Beginning of the month’ (5b)

  6. Under ‘Date Range’ select ‘All Items

  7. Under ‘Please Select a method’ select ‘Direct’ in the circular checkbox

  8. Press the ‘Schedule’ button

A message that your download request was posted successfully, and the schedule, will then appear in the list at the bottom of the page.

To complete the connection to Fergus, click the "Complete Integration" button, this will prompt you to sign in to Fergus to complete the setup and authorise the connection.

Confirming your Connection:

You can confirm the connection is active in Fergus by heading to Settings, opening the Integration Centre on the left-hand side menu and selecting Ideal.

You can also check the status of your connection by refreshing the Ideal Electrical Webshop page.

Please Note: Do not use the manual file imports while the automated integration is on. This can lead to duplicate invoices being imported.

Thanks for taking the time to read our Article, if you have any questions please get in touch via

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