There are a couple of requirements that determine whether or not our importer can import an invoice or credit note file.
Firstly, the file must be in the .CSV (comma separated value) or .TXT file type. This file type can be opened in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Numbers.
Secondly, the ordering of the data in the file must be the same as the files the supplier normally provides. This is so that we look in the right places when pulling information out of the file.ย
The required ordering of the data depends on the supplier themselves and some suppliers offer more than one option for this. If you need to clarify what option to use, feel free to message the support team via the chat bubble at the bottom right of the website - we're more than happy to help!
What if my supplier does not appear as an option for uploading?
If the supplier you use isn't listed, we may not have added support for them yet. You can find out more information on how to get them added here: My supplier isn't listed for invoice importing?